Every Dead Space Game, Ranked From Worst To Best


The Dead Space series is a classic survival horror franchise, but each game has a different approach, making comparisons an intriguing prospect.

every dead space game ranked from worst to best image4 - Dead Space Merch

With the recent release of the Dead Space remake, the existing four entries share intriguing connections regarding mechanical advancements, graphical fidelity, tonal shifts in storytelling, and even the genres they lean into. While opinions and preferences among Dead Space fans may vary, it’s worth exploring how each game in this series compares to the others.

Despite the quality of the 2023 remake of the original game, the future of the franchise remains uncertain prior to its release. With the last entry in the series being Dead Space 3 in 2013, it seemed somewhat abandoned – unsupported by the mixed reception of Dead Space 3 itself and the dissolution of the series’ developer, Visceral Games. However, now with the series seemingly gearing up for a major revival, as hinted by the secret ending of the Dead Space remake, some may opt to revisit the older games.

Ranking The Dead Space Games Against Each Other

Ranking The Dead Space Games Against Each Other

Each Dead Space game targets a different type of appeal. While the foundation of survival horror genre is maintained throughout, the series tends to veer towards action in later installments in noticeable ways that affect some games more than others, significantly impacting their quality. Other aspects such as gameplay mechanics, story, and atmosphere also evolve across games, sometimes substantially (and not always for the better). While personal preference ultimately determines which game any given player favors, some entries fail to uphold the core features of Dead Space that attracted its audience.

Dead Space 3 Is The Worst In The Series

Dead Space 3 Is The Worst In The Series

In the end, Dead Space 3 stands out as the weakest entry in the series, compromising much of the franchise’s horror focus in favor of a more action-oriented experience. Lackluster plot developments, generic shootouts against human adversaries, and an unsatisfying narrative make Dead Space 3 a disappointing follow-up, unable to maintain much of the series’ atmospheric horror. While not entirely devoid of merit – thanks to some intriguing environments and encounters, as well as its least engaging weapon crafting system – Dead Space 3 forsakes core aspects of the series in an attempt to appeal to a broader audience, only to fall short in doing so.

The Original Dead Space Is A Classic – But A Dated One

The Original Dead Space Is A Classic - But A Dated One

Dead Space originally set a benchmark for survival horror gaming – so much so that even fifteen years later, the Dead Space remake only makes a few significant changes. However, even upon its commercial release in 2008, the game faced some issues with dated design and narrative decisions that didn’t quite align with the subsequent installments.

For instance, Isaac Clarke’s peculiarly silent protagonist role in the original game made him feel like a passive participant in the narrative. The cumbersome zero-gravity controls and malicious asteroid shooting segments were also challenging points in what was considered essential horror.

Dead Space 2 Is A Worthy Sequel

Dead Space 2 Is A Worthy Sequel

Dead Space 2, despite kickstarting the trend towards action focus in the series, still attempted to maintain much of the atmospheric horror of the first game, building upon the original with added lore, new enemy types, and expanded weapon arsenal. While ripe for a remake, as the new Dead Space has hinted at, there are very few ways Dead Space 2 doesn’t meet modern standards when compared to the original game – though a notable point is the somewhat lackluster final section involving the game’s end boss.

The Dead Space Remake Is The Series At Its Best

The Dead Space Remake Is The Series At Its Best

In the end, the 2023 remake of Dead Space is considered the best version the game series has to offer, maintaining the classic appeal of the original while smartly updating it in various ways. Major weaknesses, such as the zero-gravity sections or tedious asteroid mini-game, have been completely overhauled to become much more engaging and considerably less irritating. Dull weapons from the original have been adjusted to have utility, and the weapons themselves may be the best change of Dead Space. Other aspects, such as the remastered sound design, upgraded visuals, and even fitting supplementary content, have made the Dead Space remake the best game in the series.

As with any franchise, it’s important to note that rankings are subjective – and especially with Dead Space, only Dead Space 3 truly stands out in terms of quality, with the original, the remake, and Dead Space 2 all being extremely close in quality, conditions in which it can be considered the “best.” Each game has something unique to offer its audience, and with even more potential for the future of Dead Space, it’s truly worth seeing where the series has gone.